Women In Digital
en el País Vasco, 2019


(*) After the annual report is written down, this tool is updated with data corrections. This may lead to slight variations in values and rankings.

Last update: 2019-12-05

The WiD Index

The Women in Digital (WiD) is a composite index index published by the European Commission since 2019. This index is an integral part of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and measures the progress of EU countries towards the integration of women within the digital economy and society..

Orkestra is in charge of obtaining these indicators for the Basque Country so that we can have a reference of the position within the framework of the European Union.

General view

The following visualization concentrates in a single glance the value for the ACBC of the different components that make up the WiD (the level of filling of each box) and compares it with the value of the UE28 (discontinuous line within each box). Pass over par to see the detail of the value in a comfortable tooltip.

Overview of WiD index all all its components for Basque Country compared to EU28

WiD Components

Here you can study WiD’s different components as well as the breakdown of each one of them into base indicators. The values for the Basque Country (in orange) are shown against the values for the pre-Brexit 28 European countries, as well as the average value for the whole of the European Union.

Breakdown of indicator for year

Evolution by level

As it can be seen in the first general chart, the WiD index is hierarchically divided into 2 levels. This summary chart shows which components at each level have improved or worsened, and to what extent, for the studied period.

Percentual change of for period

Evolution of individual indicators

It is also interesting to note how the value of each indicator has changed from the last analysis performed and compare this evolution with that of the EU28 and Spain. In addition, we include the evolution of the region with the best performance for each indicator.

Compared evolution of indicator for period